[Game overview]
Examples of situations
Giant predatory creature swallows them whole
Your childhood friend, who you had mutual feelings for, is taken hostage...
You're captured by a tickling monster...
Forced to have sex from behind and then kneel
You're injected with a super emulsifying drug and milked
Your common sense is altered...
You're trapped in an aphrodisiac-filled capsule...
You're brainwashed...
You're turned into a public toilet for the citizens...
You're forced to orgasm with a modified laser beam
Introduction to heroines
Heroine Dark Side [botchman]
Strong-willed, mainly melee-based fighting style
She's interested in her childhood friend, but her pride gets in the way and she can't express her feelings
Heroine Dark Side [botchman]
Calm and collected, her fighting style is mainly long-distance
She's always cool and has many fans, but she's actually worried about not being able to make friends
Heroine Dark Side [botchman]
A soothing older sister, her fighting style is mainly healing
Her gentle demeanor means I've never seen her angry, but it seems like she's accumulating stress every day...
Product Overview
Genre: Transformational Heroine Falls to Darkness RPG
Main Character: Male
Number of CGs: 33 (2 scenes of each type)
Ending: 1 type
Screen Size: 1110 x 624
Memories: Can be unlocked at any time
Estimated Play Time: About 4 hours
Production Tool: RPG Maker MZ